Capitalism in February

Theodore Vaughn
Feb 18, 2021


It’s the life above not the boots you want. Proud LL Bean atop the tundra. We all look good in print. Unsure for certain what I’d do without pursuits poetical. Prolly haha all day. Mutation from youth to 30 sorely yearn for loud friends. Carousing. Scanty money’s enough. Lack thereof, lean pockets. Books. Learn the life of the mind is what it means to live right now. Young at heart. Fee-fi future accosting new thought. If we were trees we could reach round the power lines. Grow rows and rows. Don’t look down a long road. To be unwavering, unwanting. No yen. Fo-fum. Fresh never frozen. Burns but you have to buy your own adventure. Or dream it.

